Saturday, May 17, 2008

My 360 finally went RROD

I purchased it in 4/26/06 and I never really had issues other than disc read errors till last week.While playing GTA4 it red lighted and I reset it and it went away.Well,today I wanted to play a little GTA4 and it wouldn't come on except for three blinking red lights.I called Microsoft and after having to repeat my address and info several times I think he got it right..Sigh..I usually don't like to give in to the RROD,but Microsoft needs to do better.How about a trade up program for the Elite??
I'm so into my 360 I can't just leave it and forget it..26 Xbox arcade games,over 40 360 titles on it and video,movies,etc plus Rockband.
I guess I won't be playing 360 much for the month of June afterall..


Anonymous said...

got mine 2/06 it went rrod right before i was about to put in gta4... it happens... thought my box would never go bad.

The Brains. said...

Damn, that sucks. Especially because of GTA. So what then are you going to play without it? I mean, the PS has got to get some time in (I have noticed you online a bit more lately...) but what games are you currently up in?

enewtabie said...

on PS3..playing Ratchet,Haze this week,Warhawk,Uncharted and GT5P

The Brains. said...

Cool shtuff. I'll probably rent Haze, and all the others you've listed, I already trudged my way through. GT5P is awesome. Same for Uncharted, that game was one of the few (relatively) short games on PS3 I found myself coming back to constantly. Good freakin' game.

Nate VanderVeen said...

My DVD drive crapped out last week. I just said screw it and went and bought a new arcade. I made sure I had one with the new chip and DVD drive. And the HDMI is a plus. I'll send the old one in when I get around to it.